Thursday, October 1, 2015

October Currently

Howdy peeps! I know it's been a while. You can always find me on IG 'cause that's my jam.

On to the currently!

It's super quiet and I'm starting to spook myself. Watching Walking Dead late with the hubbs is making my mind imagine all kinds of things...

I love all the fall decor, but it feels quite ridiculous in 90+ degree weather. I've got all kinds of Halloween stuff up. I LOVE IT! 
And it will stay up until November because of Dia de los muertos, ok really because I'm lazy and I hate to take it down...
My brain is still screaming DEADLINES, but not as much as before. THANK YOU SWEET BABY JESUS!

Someone was saying they love October because their class has settled into their groove and kids are starting to get it. . .So not happening here. I have some sweethearts that aren't getting into any groove and I'm starting to think I need some support. I don't know, but somethings gotta give before I lose my marbles. All of the extra pulling out for assemblies and what not isn't helping. Yup, it's one of THOSE years...

I'm still being inconsistent in the exercise department, but I did to manage to lose 1.6 lbs this month. I know, I laughed when my dietitian said it too! I wish it was way more, but it'll do. 

so on to the juicy stuff...
ok the hubbs always makes me feel boo-tiful, but sweet kisses from my three... they are magical! I can feel the way they see me (gorgeous, all knowing goddess...) with their good morning mommy kisses...
sweaty workouts like, give it your all, my legs are shaking, I can't do another rep workouts 
make me feel the
and there is nothing like a sexy new lipstick to put bit of pep in my step...

That's it. Link up and don't forget the rule of 3. I'm going to bed and wake up to a Friday! Woot woot!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September Currently

Its that time again! So excited to be linking up with the one and only Farley! Here we go...

I was planning for next week on the couch when my babies all decided they needed snuggles from mommy. They're all over our couches snoozing now...

I actually hate short weeks because I feel like I've lost time for practice with my students, but I'm going to go visit my mommy to enjoy this long weekend and just RELAX...

My campus is undergoing lots of adoptions, programs, software, name it...It is making me sooo nervous. I'm not quite sure how to fit it ALL into our already short must be done...

hence the WANT for peace or some meds....or both...just saying...

but I know all I NEED is rest and my Jesus. If I can only get more real sleep I could find a way through all the hooplah...

I did awesome all summer and then classroom setup happened and I fell off the wagon. I need to get back into working out consistently. It helps with the sleep and the thinking...and the's so tough to adult...

One of the many must do's this year is label, label, label... I just ordered my HP 8210 and I plan on getting instaink to help me with my ink issues...wish me luck!

I want to keep planning ahead for school. I fall back on that and its like a negative snowball effect. It HAS to be a priority. HAS to be...

Anyhow, I better get a few zzz's so I can hit the gym. Link up and don't forget the rule of three! 

Monday, August 3, 2015

Assess Me Linky: Week 2 This or That

I love this linky. Time for WEEK 2!

I do enjoy skirts, but I love jeans! I wear them every Friday during the school year!
My ears do not like any metal. Everything itches. SO necklaces for me.
JZs (I graduated high school in 2001-memories...)
I'll mix silver and gold or just do one or the other. LOVE it!
I love the country. We have 80 acres (2 hrs away from our home in the city). We are outdoorsy people. We ride, shoot, camp, fish, and swim on it. No cell/internet service out there. It's nice to take breaks from technology.
I don't like to be bothered when I shop. Online ALL the way! Plus I always find promo codes to up the savings when I shop online. 
I have 3 kids (that always need something) so showers.
Something about my eyes. I'm an open book.
I'm homebody until I get stir crazy then I can't sit down.
Dinner. I love to cook it and I don't really care for breakfast foods.
I love white tea. I just quit coffee, but I still love it.
I stay up way to late and wake up too early. I wanna see it all.
Undone. I don't know why, but I can never look done up. Even when I try...
I am from a West Texas town that gets its fair share of thunder and lightning storms. It's home.
Flats b/c my classroom is too far from everywhere I need to be and I am a major klutz.
I love to travel so all 3.
I love Zooey Deschanel and see so much of my silly self in her character Jess.
I've been to NY but never to Central Park. SO I guess central air? LOL

Link up with Rachel here:

Saturday, August 1, 2015

August Currently

It's here. . . Our "Sunday Night" Month! I'm determined to get my BTS stuff done and STILL enjoy this sucker...

Time for my favorite .... Currently!

I've been re-watching Grey's so Rilo Kiley, Ingrid Michaelson, and Lenka have been on my iTunes. There's something easygoing and summery about their jams...

Today was one of the few lazy saturdays we've had this summer. They are few and far between...

I loved Farley's post. I have some great peeps in my boat. I just need to learn to lean on them and ask for help. I am such a control freak. I really need to learn to delegate. A goal this year for sure!

We aren't allowed back in yet. I am just itching to get my room ready to go. I have seen so many beautiful classrooms on IG. The next few weeks are going to fly and I am already having BTS nightmares. In the last one my room wasn't ready. It felt real y'all!

I am needing help! I need a new sitter and maid. My district has lots of half days and inservice days this year and my sitter is finishing college so she's too busy. I need help once a week tidying up and I am finally giving in and getting a maid once school starts. This is that delegating goal I was talking about. I am tired of wasting my weekends on cleaning and not with my babies... Cross your fingers I find great people to help me!

B2S RAK Ok I am going to sound like a copy cat but I have some goodies lined up for my ex team and my new team and buddies in other grade levels, but ESPECIALLY for some teachers that I think people tend to forget our coaches and librarian.

That's it sweet peeps. Link up with the Fabu Farley and follow the rule of 3!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Assess Me: Week 1

I thought I'd try this new linky so you can get to know a little about me.

Sandy Contreras 07/26/15  

I don't always talk to myself. I do it mostly when I'm overwhelmed and having trouble organizing my thoughts... it helps! 

I grew up southern Baptist so no I'm not superstitious. I think they can be fun though. I'll eat black eyed peas for good luck on New Year's...

I don't pop/crack anything in my hands because my mom suffers from arthritis and I promised her I wouldn't mess with my hands.

I'm hardly hungry and have been known to skip meals. Sometimes I just get too busy...A bad habit I'm trying to break...

I'm Netflixin' today and working on some TPT products...

I had my wisdom teeth removed when we were stationed in Germany. I DO NOT recommend driving on the autobahn after any dental work. Thankfully I made it home to Baumholder from Landstuhl safe and sound.

I'm Netflixin' so no I haven't showered! Gross... I know...I can be pretty gross...

I've never been to Disney world/land but I have been to the store. Several times. One day, when the youngest is ready. 

I'm extremely blind. I alternate between glasses and contacts throughout the year.

I live in Texas, but not in the city I was born in or in the city I grew up in. 

So there you go! Rachel is one of my favorites to follow on IG! I'm excited to link up to her blog!

You can link up too here:

Monday, July 13, 2015

TPT Challenge: Make Your Masterpiece

I know I'm slow to the party. I was actually working on something else for this challenge, but I got sidetracked with this project.

On my campus, administration wants us to post our objectives/student expectations somewhere visible in the classroom-like the front of the room-and they want them to be written in 80-100 pt font, in a font that is easy to read for students, AND written in kid-friendly language so the students can understand what they are learning.

So I like to hang my SEs at the front of the classroom on my white dry erase magnetic board. I usually handwrite them every Friday-bleh! {I've done the objective frames too.}

BUT, this year I wanted to make it easier on my self and just have them pre-typed, pre-printed, and ready to go! Plus I have tons of cute magnets. . .

So I started with my Science TEKs (because I live in Texas  and those are our State Standards) and created something that meets the needs of my classroom and my admin's expectations.

I hope you can use them in you classroom. I did black and white because I feel that doing so is giving you the option to use the colored paper you like without breaking the color ink bank. Each one includes the standard, subject, the objective in kid-friendly terms, the strand, and of course some Melonheadz goodness!

They are available here. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

July Currently

It's time for the July Currently! So soon! Slow down summer. -said Every teacher ever!

I love that this is my first linky with my new blog makeover. Kristin did an amazing job and I'm just loving it!

Here we go!

My kids are just now starting to stay up late. I want them to go back the old schedule so we don't sleep away our days. I just like to get a lot done every day. Even if it just swimming and shopping!
So they are chatting each other up and ignoring my pleas for them to get to bed.

I have a teacher confession...this year I don't get to go to TPT Vegas or ISTE or CAMT or IRA... and
I was feeling all sorry for myself until I realized that although those conferences are amazeballs hanging out with my babies is pretty amazeballs too! We are having so much fun. It feels so good to slow down the clock and just have time to enjoy one another. Nothing is getting in the way of our activities and conversations. It really is a blessing to be home with these kids and I am focusing on that because before I know it they will grow up and be gone...

Before school was out I was a monster in the gym. I was going 5-7 days a week and getting an hour of cardio in and a half hour of strength training in every time I went. Schools out now and I have been so inconsistent. Really folks this should be the best time for me to workout. Grrrr... so pray I get right to sleep when I finish this post so I can get my booty there tomorrow morning!

I want these days to slow down. I have so much to accomplish before school starts. . . like more resting and relaxing...I mean prep for next year and DIY projects!

I need to pack soon. We're going to visit my mom and dad and celebrate my Yankee-doodle-boy's birthday over there with family. But I think I'll wait until tomorrow.

I'm an ALLSTAR laugher. I know, that's not really a word. Let me explain...

I like that I can always find humor in most situations. I love to laugh and be happy. I have a very distinctive laugh that tends to get {most} people to laugh even if they have no idea why I'm laughing. My teacher friends at school in the fourth grade wing swear they can hear me from my wing. {I teach first y'all!}  If they don't hear me they text to ask if I'm absent! I'm no Julia Roberts, but I think my laugh is right up there with hers!

That's it for me! Link up with Farley and remember the rule of 3! 

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Blog Makeover!

Hey there! Check out my new, redesigned blog by Kristin and Teaching In A Nutshell Designs. I just love how clean, bright, and cheerful it looks. I am so impressed by her work. She is so easy to work with and her designs are AMAZING! I highly recommend Kristin for all your blog design needs!
Click the blog button below to go and visit her website.

PS. My tiny TPT store is on sale from now until June 30th in honor of this occasion!

Monday, June 22, 2015

TPT Teachers Challenge Week 2: Dare to Dream

This week I am sharing some of my dreams. I like this week's challenge because this is the best way to get to know some of the bloggers we follow. Our dreams are an inside glimpse of our hearts.

I really had to take a minute to think up some dreams to share. I wanted this post to be meaningful. I really want to share a piece of myself. So I rounded it down to 4 dreams. In no specific order...

Becoming an author has been my dream since I was a little girl. I hope I can buckle down and get that party started. I have tons of ideas that I need to get published.  I don't expect to become J.K. Rowling but I would love to have a published series or two!

When I was an undergrad I said that when my youngest goes to kinder I'll be ready to go back to school. He's going to kinder in the fall. I need to register for the spring semester! I want to become a teacher to my favorite people (TEACHERS)!

I am constantly dieting. I have been since I started putting on weight back in 2001. I finally decided to take my doctor's advice and get medical help aka surgery. It is hard to admit that I can't take care of this on my own. So my dream is to get this done and learn from the experts to help myself after surgery. 

This probably my number one dream. Through the years I have drifted from my beliefs. I haven't been as active as I could be. I haven't read my bible as much as I should. I haven't talked to God as much as I could. I haven't sought out fellowship with other believers. So my desire is to return to God and walk closer to him so the rest of these dreams can come true. Psalm 37:4

My dreams don't look like they have anything to do with teachers pay teachers, but I think they do. I think that if I can take care of these things I will become a better seller. 

I hope that if you read this you feel like you got to know me a little better. I can't wait to read what you have to share! 

Thanks for hosting:

Friday, June 19, 2015

WEEK 1: Makeover Madness

I had some professional development, curriculum writing, and family activities this week so I'm a little late to the party. BUT, I still made it...and that's all that counts!

I had one freebie in my store because in my short time as a blogger/blog reader I have read some vicious blogs accusing others of copying their work and new bloggers not being up to snuff compared to the all "original" bloggers. It was all a little too intimidating for a newbie like me.

Enter FOUR gals wanting to do something positive for the teacher blogging world. It was the sort of positive feedback I needed to create and share.

For this week I've decided to makeover that old freebie cover and add a few other graphic organizers I use with my firsties in Reading.

I plan to upload more to this file soon. It is $2 in my TPT store. At 40 cents an organizer I think it is a steal! I will be uploading more easy to use, black and white centers that I hope you can use the whole year through. I promise {myself} to provide meaningful products for you to use at reasonable prices.

Thanks for hosting!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

June Currently

I'm here! Well, I am up late grading because tomorrow I need to verify grades for the last time this school year! CUE the MUSIC...

I'm listening to Friends because it keeps me awake.

I'm loving that this is the last week of school. I will miss my second graders. They were the best class ever! It's just time for a change and I'm ready to be FIERCE in FIRST again.

I am wanting packing fairies because I still have loads to pack and move to my new classroom. We do full pack up. I'm moving down the hallway...

I'm needing sleep. I was up all last night with a bellyache and tonight with grading. Old habits die hard I guess.

My summer loving will be all the activities and camps my kids are signed up for, spending time with the pups we rescued a couple of weeks ago, and getting some DIY projects done. I love having time in the summer!

That's it. Link up and don't forget the rule of 3! 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

March Currently

Yes, dear fiends I am alive. It has been too long. Life happens, right? Well, I have been trying to get through this crazy nine weeks, trying to keep up with my three kiddies and all their school happenings, and I've been doing whole30 since January 3rd. It has been crazy, let me tell ya! 

Anyway, on to the currently. . .

*Parenthood while I grade. I am determined to have my report cards ready BEFORE Spring Break, wish me luck!

*I'm loving our weather right now. My sweet parents are trapped in snow and I'm over here sitting pretty in 70 degree sunshine. It's bliss. We have been taking advantage of all this sunshine, it's almost too hard to grade. . .

*Next week is my last 5 days before Spring Break. Woot! Woot! It's also our Dr. Seuss week so we are dressing up everyday and enjoying some great activities. I guess it's ok if the kiddies are off the chain since their teacher will be too!

*I'm really wanting Perfect Attendance this week y'all. We are competing with 4 other sections of second graders for the coveted PIZZA PARTY! Each day we have perfect attendance we get to put a letter out from the words "Perfect Attendance." We are at "Perfect Atten." All we have is "Dance" left to make it. I am so competitive and so are my kiddies. We haven't been winning this year and after the January epidemic we finally got over it sure would be nice if we could get this. Cross your fingers and toes for us folks!

*I'm really needing my parents peeps. I haven't seen them since summer! Our plans are that they come twice a year and we go twice a year and it hasn't been happening. I really hope nothing happens and they make it out to see us. I love my parents bunches and my kiddies miss their grandparents sooooo much. Pray for us!

*My plans are to see my parents and hang out with them and my babies. The hubbs has work. <sad face> I hope to get some spring cleaning done and I definitely need to relax!

That's it for me. Be sure to link up with the Fab Farley!

Follow my IG I have tons of pics to share with y'all!