Time for my favorite .... Currently!
I've been re-watching Grey's so Rilo Kiley, Ingrid Michaelson, and Lenka have been on my iTunes. There's something easygoing and summery about their jams...
Today was one of the few lazy saturdays we've had this summer. They are few and far between...
I loved Farley's post. I have some great peeps in my boat. I just need to learn to lean on them and ask for help. I am such a control freak. I really need to learn to delegate. A goal this year for sure!
We aren't allowed back in yet. I am just itching to get my room ready to go. I have seen so many beautiful classrooms on IG. The next few weeks are going to fly and I am already having BTS nightmares. In the last one my room wasn't ready. It felt real y'all!
I am needing help! I need a new sitter and maid. My district has lots of half days and inservice days this year and my sitter is finishing college so she's too busy. I need help once a week tidying up and I am finally giving in and getting a maid once school starts. This is that delegating goal I was talking about. I am tired of wasting my weekends on cleaning and not with my babies... Cross your fingers I find great people to help me!
B2S RAK Ok I am going to sound like a copy cat but I have some goodies lined up for my ex team and my new team and buddies in other grade levels, but ESPECIALLY for some teachers that I think people tend to forget about...like our coaches and librarian.
That's it sweet peeps. Link up with the Fabu Farley and follow the rule of 3!

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