Sunday, October 27, 2013

Five for Friday on a Sunday and a Freebie!

So the last 3 weeks have been h-e-double hockey sticks! Just so busy. Too many deadlines and not enough hours in the day. I haven't been getting much sleep. If you're a teacher I know that you know exactly how I feel. Some weeks are just like that. So here are some highlights. . .

A student left and my class was down to 23 again, but then 3 more showed up and I'm up to 26 kids. No aide or intern teacher yet. I'm actually liking it. I have 12 girls and 14 boys and I just love them to pieces. My classroom is getting a mini makeover to accommodate everyone. Pics coming soon.
I got a grant from Pets in the Classroom. Now I need to get my fish. I did this one on a whim and I'm so excited to get this.  I have had other animals in my room that I purchased on my own. I feel so happy to not have to do that this time. I'll have a longer post when I make my purchases and after my kiddies have seen them.

Our PE staff is excellent. They are always finding ways to keep us moving. As a school we participate in Fast Feet Friday. Each section competes against the others in a grade level for trophies 2 Friday's a month during our students' PE time. To get our community involved families are invited to participate and help us win one the trophies. And the competitive teachers like me join their students. We have team names. My class is Chickadee Jubilee because my theme is Boho birds. I used to use Winged Wild Things when my classroom theme was Where the Wild Things (Learn) Are.
Anywho, we won the "guest" trophy again. My little ones were ecstatic!

Our Dyslexia Staff put on a competition this week. They gave clues about a different famous person who has dyslexia every morning during the announcements. Teachers were to send in their guesses in on paper everyday this week by 9 a.m. We were very excited to find out that we won! We were treated to a movie and popcorn. Here are 24 of my 26 kidlets enjoying their popcorn and movie. 2 of my littles were at speech so they got to go later.
Lastly, after 9 week benchmark testing in all subjects all day, Friday night was our annual fall festival. Each grade level had to man 2 game and 1 food booth. We had a "pin the nose on the pumpkin booth" and "bobbing for apples." Our Fall Festival is a way to fundraise for our field trips. Overall, we had a great turn out. Our teachers looked like zombies after a 12 hour day. Hopefully, we have earned enough for our first field trip. Here's a pic of our posters before the Festival began.

That's it for me. Be sure to check up on my TPT store. Check this little diddy out.
I have started to post freebies there. I plan on adding more products. I'm inputting grades and uploading freebies sounds like a funner thing to do. . . 
I can't believe the first nine weeks is over.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A freebie!

So it took forever, but I finally managed to get ONE freebie secured and uploaded. Good grief! I hope you can use it. Please leave positive feedback if you do. Thanks!

I will post more, but tonight is lesson planning night for me. I'm going to try to have another freebie or two ready for you. . . Any requests?

Technical difficulties!

Still trying to figure out what happened to my ADOBE software. A friend is looking into why its not protecting graphics and fonts on the freebies I'm trying to upload. Once she's okayed them I will post to TPT store. Sorry for the wait.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

New Blog Design

My little blog got some love from the talented Christi Fultz from Design by Christi. I am so happy with how it turned out. I feel the need for a celebration. Swing by for some freebies this weekend when I have a moment to catch my breath from this busy, busy week!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October Currently

I'm linking up with Farley for the October Currently . . .

Listening: So I got an email from Netflix that Season 8 of How I Met Your Mother was available. This show is so bad! I love it (after the kids are in bed of course)! I'm listening to that as I work on some last minute stuff for tomorrow's PD. I'm training our kinder and first grade teachers in Math.

Loving: The 6th week of school because my firsties are on it. They have come so far already! I'm excited to see what the school year will bring. 

Thinking: Go to bed! I have been sleeping so heavy and so much lately. My usual 4-5 hours of sleep have turned into 7 or 8 hours! I think it's sooooo weird. I kind of like it! 

Wanting: I'm also finding myself craving sweets. It doesn't help that during the fall people bust out their awesome dessert recipes and fair foods! I'm trying my best to stay away from it all . . .

Needing: More energy. I have been a BAAAAD girl. I need to get back into my workout groove. I know if I get back on a set workout schedule my energy will come back. 

Trick-I don't remember how I found this site, but it's called

I suscribed to their emails and have gotten quite a few FREE apps they've recommended.

Night-night! Can't wait to read up on all of you. Don't forget to link up.