I love that this is my first linky with my new blog makeover. Kristin did an amazing job and I'm just loving it!
Here we go!
My kids are just now starting to stay up late. I want them to go back the old schedule so we don't sleep away our days. I just like to get a lot done every day. Even if it just swimming and shopping!
So they are chatting each other up and ignoring my pleas for them to get to bed.
I have a teacher confession...this year I don't get to go to TPT Vegas or ISTE or CAMT or IRA... and
I was feeling all sorry for myself until I realized that although those conferences are amazeballs hanging out with my babies is pretty amazeballs too! We are having so much fun. It feels so good to slow down the clock and just have time to enjoy one another. Nothing is getting in the way of our activities and conversations. It really is a blessing to be home with these kids and I am focusing on that because before I know it they will grow up and be gone...
Before school was out I was a monster in the gym. I was going 5-7 days a week and getting an hour of cardio in and a half hour of strength training in every time I went. Schools out now and I have been so inconsistent. Really folks this should be the best time for me to workout. Grrrr... so pray I get right to sleep when I finish this post so I can get my booty there tomorrow morning!
I want these days to slow down. I have so much to accomplish before school starts. . . like more resting and relaxing...I mean prep for next year and DIY projects!
I need to pack soon. We're going to visit my mom and dad and celebrate my Yankee-doodle-boy's birthday over there with family. But I think I'll wait until tomorrow.
I'm an ALLSTAR laugher. I know, that's not really a word. Let me explain...
I like that I can always find humor in most situations. I love to laugh and be happy. I have a very distinctive laugh that tends to get {most} people to laugh even if they have no idea why I'm laughing. My teacher friends at school in the fourth grade wing swear they can hear me from my wing. {I teach first y'all!} If they don't hear me they text to ask if I'm absent! I'm no Julia Roberts, but I think my laugh is right up there with hers!
That's it for me! Link up with Farley and remember the rule of 3!