Linking up with Farley with my favorite linky party for the July Currently!
I'm listening to my soon to be second grader and third grader read to their soon to be pre-k little brother. They read really well and they're going through the "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" series pretty fast. I'm loving all the giggling. They make my heart happy.
I'm loving all the family time we are spending together. June was a really good month for summer activities and I can't wait to do more with my family this month.
I'm thinking there is still more to do before summer is over. I know there is almost no time during the school year so I really need to organize my plan and get to it. Lots of DIY things to get done.
I'm really overweight. . . Anywho, I finally talked the hubbs into helping me develop a meal plan and workout plan and it has been AWESOME. I am losing weight like crazy and I feel more active and happy than I have in a LOOONG time. I am just needing to stick to the routine so I can continue to feel this great and eventually get to a weight that I'm happy with.
My soon to be second grader is turning 7 on July 3rd so after we do some birthday stuff with him we will be celebrating the 4th with family, some yummy Texas BBQ, and fireworks. My hometown does a really small fireworks display and have a few local bands play.
Can't wait to check out your July Currently. Link up and don't forget the rule of 3.