February kicked my bootay so I'm so glad to be linking up with Farley for this month's currently.
Isn't her new blog design adorbs? I just love it!
Here we go!
The wind can really blow and it doesn't help that my back door is old. Air creeps through and wails Lionel Richie style. . .#allnightlong
Next week is Dr.Seuss week for my school. We'll be dressing up everyday (see my IG this week for updates) and the kids will be rowdy. That's all o.k. because at 2:45 p.m. on Friday the 7th my Spring Break begins. 5 more school days! WOOT! WOOT!
I seriously need to input these grades, but I'd rather blogstalk and prep for the shenanigans of a Dr. Seuss week. I just know I'll wait until the last minute as usual.
I'm needing new nikes because I've already blown out my current ones. I'd post a pic, but it would make you cry...
I'm lacking in the motivation department. My head says workout, but my body says no thanks. Really peeps send me some motivation. I really need to drop some weight.
???? I wonder if you can guess my question. . .I think I made it a little too easy, but it's the weekend and you shouldn't have to think so hard.
Rememer the rule of three and link up! I can't wait to read your currently!

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