January was over in a blink. I changed out my calendar cards today and couldn't help but think this year is already off to a fast start. Time to link up with Farley for my favorite monthly linky party!
Here goes!
I love Sandy B! I think we'd totally be friends if we ever met. I loved Melissa McCarthy in Gilmore Girls and I love how for this movie her character was completely the opposite to Sookie. Versatility! This movie is sooo funny but definitely not for the kidlets.
I'm loving that my hubs liked it. He thought it was a "chick flick" before he saw it. He laughed from beginning to end so I think it's safe to say it's not.
I'm thinking TGIF because I had a couple Debbie Downer moments this week that I'd like to get over and forget ASAP. The weekend is the best way to do that!
I'm wanting another set of hands because what mother of 3 and teacher to 26 doesn't need them??? I'll be busy this weekend needless to say...
I'm needing motivation in the fitness department. Send some my way if you have it. I'm getting some food and sleep problems ironed out. I just have ZERO motivation to work out. I follow a lot of fitness peeps on IG and that's helping but very little. . .
I have travelled all over Europe because my hunky hubbs was stationed overseas and before we had kiddies you couldn't sit me down. I took full advantage of that. I post pics on IG from time to time so take a looksy!
I'm a PK, that is I'm a pastor's kid. I don't mean that to turn anyone away from my blog, but it is something that I am quite proud of. My daddy is an amazing man of God and I am thankful to be his kid. It also lets you know this girl has a "REBEL Without a CAUSE" streak!
and finally my FIB
I definitely do NOT love running. Even when I was younger and fit I hated it with a capital H. My goal is to LEARN to love RUNNING by 2015. Wish me luck peeps.
That's all for now. I hope your February is fantabulous and full of much merrymaking!
Link up!!