I have been extremely absent lately. I haven't even linked up for my favorite linky party! Ok so in December I saved my currently and forgot to publish before the cutoff day. WHOOPS!
On to fun...
My kids are watching Home Alone and they are cracking up. Love to hear those giggles.
It's the end of the month so I was paying my bills. I only get paid once a month at the end of the month. And it hits me...I have zero car payments to worry about. I love that I will be starting the year with less bills. Woot! Woot!
I was grading and I should finish since I need to verify when I get back on the 6th. But my level of procrastination has exceeded it's usual limit. I have no excuse to be this behind. I simply just have had zero desire to do it.
I didn't visit family this winter break and they got snow. A lot of my friends have either gotten snow in their hometowns or are on beach vacays. I am stuck in this sucky weather purgatory. I have no snow and no beach. Since the desert never will have a beach I will settle for snow. Even if it doesn't last very long and isn't very deep. Yes, it happens here sometimes...
So I have done lots around the house. I've cleaned out closets and taken down Christmas decor {sniffle}, but there is more I can do to get this house in tip top shape. I could finish and upload some stuff onto TPT. I could workout-because I haven't and I swore I would during break. I could go to church since I've been skipping that too. UGH! and there's those grades that need to be input. . . YIKES!
This year has been calm and it's been nice. But it has also been BORING. I've had a hard time finding my spunk and audacity. I wish for that back. I wish for adventure and FUN. So my wish for 2015 is to get out of my funk and just be nike. Just do it! Find joy in every day. Sign up for grad school. Create and upload to TPT and actually charge for what goes on there. Take risks and just go with it. . .
That's it! Thanks for stopping by. I can't wait to read your Currentlys. Don't forget the rule of three!
Link with the Fabu Farley here: