I'm linking up with Farley for the October Currently . . .
Listening: So I got an email from Netflix that Season 8 of How I Met Your Mother was available. This show is so bad! I love it (after the kids are in bed of course)! I'm listening to that as I work on some last minute stuff for tomorrow's PD. I'm training our kinder and first grade teachers in Math.
Loving: The 6th week of school because my firsties are on it. They have come so far already! I'm excited to see what the school year will bring.
Thinking: Go to bed! I have been sleeping so heavy and so much lately. My usual 4-5 hours of sleep have turned into 7 or 8 hours! I think it's sooooo weird. I kind of like it!
Wanting: I'm also finding myself craving sweets. It doesn't help that during the fall people bust out their awesome dessert recipes and fair foods! I'm trying my best to stay away from it all . . .
Needing: More energy. I have been a BAAAAD girl. I need to get back into my workout groove. I know if I get back on a set workout schedule my energy will come back.
Trick-I don't remember how I found this site, but it's called
I suscribed to their emails and have gotten quite a few FREE apps they've recommended.
Night-night! Can't wait to read up on all of you. Don't forget to link up.

Night-night! Can't wait to read up on all of you. Don't forget to link up.

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