Howdy peeps! I know it's been a while. You can always find me on IG 'cause that's my jam.
On to the currently!
It's super quiet and I'm starting to spook myself. Watching Walking Dead late with the hubbs is making my mind imagine all kinds of things...
I love all the fall decor, but it feels quite ridiculous in 90+ degree weather. I've got all kinds of Halloween stuff up. I LOVE IT!
And it will stay up until November because of Dia de los muertos, ok really because I'm lazy and I hate to take it down...
My brain is still screaming DEADLINES, but not as much as before. THANK YOU SWEET BABY JESUS!
Someone was saying they love October because their class has settled into their groove and kids are starting to get it. . .So not happening here. I have some sweethearts that aren't getting into any groove and I'm starting to think I need some support. I don't know, but somethings gotta give before I lose my marbles. All of the extra pulling out for assemblies and what not isn't helping. Yup, it's one of THOSE years...
I'm still being inconsistent in the exercise department, but I did to manage to lose 1.6 lbs this month. I know, I laughed when my dietitian said it too! I wish it was way more, but it'll do.
so on to the juicy stuff...
ok the hubbs always makes me feel boo-tiful, but sweet kisses from my three... they are magical! I can feel the way they see me (gorgeous, all knowing goddess...) with their good morning mommy kisses...
sweaty workouts like, give it your all, my legs are shaking, I can't do another rep workouts
make me feel the
and there is nothing like a sexy new lipstick to put bit of pep in my step...
That's it. Link up and don't forget the rule of 3. I'm going to bed and wake up to a Friday! Woot woot!