Yes, dear fiends I am alive. It has been too long. Life happens, right? Well, I have been trying to get through this crazy nine weeks, trying to keep up with my three kiddies and all their school happenings, and I've been doing whole30 since January 3rd. It has been crazy, let me tell ya!
Anyway, on to the currently. . .
*Parenthood while I grade. I am determined to have my report cards ready BEFORE Spring Break, wish me luck!
*I'm loving our weather right now. My sweet parents are trapped in snow and I'm over here sitting pretty in 70 degree sunshine. It's bliss. We have been taking advantage of all this sunshine, it's almost too hard to grade. . .
*Next week is my last 5 days before Spring Break. Woot! Woot! It's also our Dr. Seuss week so we are dressing up everyday and enjoying some great activities. I guess it's ok if the kiddies are off the chain since their teacher will be too!
*I'm really wanting Perfect Attendance this week y'all. We are competing with 4 other sections of second graders for the coveted PIZZA PARTY! Each day we have perfect attendance we get to put a letter out from the words "Perfect Attendance." We are at "Perfect Atten." All we have is "Dance" left to make it. I am so competitive and so are my kiddies. We haven't been winning this year and after the January epidemic we finally got over it sure would be nice if we could get this. Cross your fingers and toes for us folks!
*I'm really needing my parents peeps. I haven't seen them since summer! Our plans are that they come twice a year and we go twice a year and it hasn't been happening. I really hope nothing happens and they make it out to see us. I love my parents bunches and my kiddies miss their grandparents sooooo much. Pray for us!
*My plans are to see my parents and hang out with them and my babies. The hubbs has work. <sad face> I hope to get some spring cleaning done and I definitely need to relax!
That's it for me. Be sure to link up with the Fab Farley!
Follow my IG I have tons of pics to share with y'all!