Hello sweet strangers! I totally missed the boat last month. I don't know what was going on, but I missed the October Currently! What the what?Anywho, I am back and I'm linking up with the fabulous Farley for this month's currently.
I love Saturday nights. We stay at home a lot on the weekends and just enjoy each others company. Tonight we were singing and dancing to some 90s dance hits. It gets pretty hilarious.
I am loving the crisp, cool air. FINALLY, it feels like fall y'all!
I left Friday in a hurry and left many things undone. (Hello...I have three babies that wanted to get their trunk-o-treat and trick-o-treat on!) I have a nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach. I feel like I didn't do my homework! WHY?! Because some bigwigs are coming down to watch our classrooms and do some 15minute walk-throughs on us. UGH! I better get to school super early on Monday to get my SEs up and get my centers organized.
I have all of that to do and teachery stuff to do, and shopping to do, and chores to do. BUT no, I'm dancing and singing the night away. . .Perfect sense, right?
I'm wanting to be more fun. I am lacking in the fun department at school and at home with my own kids. I don't know the rut I am in, but it feels awful. I want to do more fun thingswith my students because I want them to LOVE school as much as I do. Lately, there seems to be no time...and with my own kids. I feel like its been all work with them too. Any ideas or help? Please feel free to share!
So am right back to my old habits. One step forward and 5 steps back when it comes to my fitness and diet. Again any tips or help is MOST welcome.
I have had almost NO time for reading. I have a couple of books someone loaned me on my nightstand that are collecting dust. I reread the Hunger Games since Mockingjay Part 1 will be out soon and a couple others. I hope the early night fall will get me in the mood to read more.
October was a whirlwind and the last week of it was Red Ribbon Week and Halloween for us. Saying it was busy is an understatement! I hope you all have a wonderful November. Link up and don't forget the rule of 3.